You can pay by debit card or credit card through our online system. Tree Preservation Orders (TPO): You can check through My Property if a TPO is present on a particular property or website. Copies of the order are not currently available online. If you need a copy, please contact Planning.Admin. Planning obligations work with the field, are legally binding and enforceable. A unilateral obligation cannot bind the local planning authority because it is not a party. Planning obligations are also generally referred to as « section 106 », « s106 » and « developer contributions » when they are taken into account in addition to contributions to motorways and the Community infrastructure tax. The contributions referred to in Section 106 must provide a system which refers to the evolution of these funds, but the impact of any development may have an impact on the enlarged Community. This means that Section 106 contributions can be used to make improvements to facilities located at a certain distance from development, such as for example. B a local city centre or major road corridors. The mix of ownership, size and type of affordable housing that the s106 agreement is to provide is defined in local policy and is discussed in financial sustainability negotiations. Affordable housing units must be transferred to the CP at the transfer prices agreed to by Council. If you have a question regarding a section 106, you can contact us at: 5.

Can the building permit be issued before the signing of the s106 contract? In order to avoid any delay in requesting copy documents, we continuously provide as much information online as possible to all our customers. Please check public access to all necessary documents before asking a copy question. In terms of developer contributions, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) has not replaced the Section 106 agreements and the introduction of CIL has resulted in a strengthening of the 106 tests. With regard to developer contributions, S106 agreements should focus on the specific risk reduction needed for further development. CIL was designed to deal with the broader effects of development. There should be no circumstances in which a developer pays CIL and S106 for the same infrastructure with respect to the same development….